You are cordially invited to the 2022 Chem-CU Colloquium this semester on Oct 11th, 2022, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

The 1st special guest, Dr. David Augeri, Senior scientist at Rapafusyn Pharmaceuticals Company, MD, USA. He will talk about “The evolution of pharmaceutical research from small molecule inhibition of functional proteins to drugging the undruggable: Inhibition of protein-protein interactions”.

The 2nd speaker, Prof.Dr. Thomayant Prueksaritanont, the Director of Chula Drug Discovery and Drug Development Research Center (Chula4DR), will share her experience on her journey in the US pharmaceutical industry and the academic druf research in Thailand.

The seminar will be held online via Zoom.

Please register (for free) at
https://bit.ly/3eNmZOM or scan the QR code below to get the Zoom link later via email.

Please see the flyer below for more details!
Any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Chanat Aonbangkhen, the coordinator at chanat.a@chula.ac.th