You are all cordially invited to
The 5th Joint Symposium CU-NUT (Hybrid symposium) co-organized by Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University (CU) and Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT)
28 March 2023 (Registration starts at 8.30 am.)
Onsite Venue:* Banyen Auditorium, 15th Floor, Maha Vajirunhis Bld., Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Please see the meeting location in the map below:
Online Meeting* (via Zoom):…
Meeting ID: 932 0341 0118
Password: 159681
Please register at:
The symposium covers the topics of Chemistry, Materials Science and Technology, Computer Science and Bioengineering/Biotechnology.
The tentative program and abstracts can be downloaded from