ศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ขนิษฐา พุดหอม
- ห้อง 1535 อาคารมหามกุฎ ภาควิชาเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กทม. 10330
- 02-2187736
- [2003] Ph.D., Tokyo University of Science
- [1999] M.Sc., Chulalongkorn University
- [1996] B.Sc., Chulalongkorn University
- [2020 - present] Professor, Chulalongkorn University
- [2016 - 2020] Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University
- [2007 - 2016] Assistant Professor, Chulalongkorn University
- [2010 - 2011] Visiting professor, Hiroshima University, Japan
- [2000 - 2002] Assistant Dean for Student Affaires, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok, Thailand.
- [2006] Post-docs, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Hoshi University, Japan
- [2003 -2005] Post-docs, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Tohoku University, Japan
- [1996 - 2006] Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
- Natural product chemistry, Medicinal chemistry
- [2012] Thailand Toray Science Foundation Science & Technology Research Grant
- [2011] Thailand Toray Science Foundation (TTSF) Science & Technology Research Grant
- [2010 – 2011] Research fellowship of The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation
- [2006] JST Research Fellowship
- [2003 – 2005] Postdoctoral fellowship of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
•Tyrosinase Inhibitory Properties of Compounds Isolated from Artocarpus integer Roots. Journal of Natural Products.
2024. Cited 0
•Fluorescent-based micellar incorporated hydrogel materials for selective determination of long-chain aldehydes. Microchimica Acta. 2024. Cited 1
•Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Oxygenated Isocoumarins and Xanthone from Thai Mangrove-Associated Endophytic Fungus Setosphaeria rostrata. Molecules. 2024. Cited 6
•Tocotrienol monomers and dimers from the roots of Litchi chinensis with tyrosinase inhibition activity. Phytochemistry. 2024. Cited 1
•Synergistic impact of arbutin and kaempferol-7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside from Nephelium lappaceum L. on whitening efficacy and stability of cosmetic formulations. Scientific Reports. 2023. Cited 3
Full list
•Fluorescent-based micellar incorporated hydrogel materials for selective determination of long-chain aldehydes. Microchimica Acta. 2024. Cited 1
•Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Oxygenated Isocoumarins and Xanthone from Thai Mangrove-Associated Endophytic Fungus Setosphaeria rostrata. Molecules. 2024. Cited 6
•Tocotrienol monomers and dimers from the roots of Litchi chinensis with tyrosinase inhibition activity. Phytochemistry. 2024. Cited 1
•Synergistic impact of arbutin and kaempferol-7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside from Nephelium lappaceum L. on whitening efficacy and stability of cosmetic formulations. Scientific Reports. 2023. Cited 3
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